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Participation in the 2nd Conference on Agricultural Innovation and Natural Resources (AINR) 2023

Participation in the 2nd Conference on Agricultural Innovation and Natural Resources (AINR) 2023-Aquatic Sciences for Securing Sustainable Food System & Resources in Parallel with Sakura Science Program (SSP) Alumni Reunion


Dr. Kittichon U-taynapun and Dr. Nion Chirapongsatonkul (lecturers), Miss Agnesia Frisca Damayanti (a student of Master of Science Program in Aquaculture and Fishery Resources Management), Miss Chosita Chamnangij  and Miss Jirada Khoohamook (bachelor degree students in Fisheries), from the Department of Agricultural Science, Faculty of Agriculture participated in the international conference “The 2nd Conference on Agricultural Innovation and Natural Resources (AINR) 2023-Aquatic Sciences for Securing Sustainable Food System & Resources”. This conference and related programs, held on August 17-18, 2023, was organized by Aquatic Science and Innovative Management Division, Faculty of Natural Resources, Prince of Songkla University (PSU). At the same time, there was a special event for the reunion of the SSP members who spent time together on February 14-20, 2023.

            On August 17, 2023, it was a nice chance to share our research experiences and interests about the mud crab culture in the earthen pond and circulated water system with the scientists and researchers from Fukuyama University (Prof. Dr. Toshiaki Itami), University of Miyazaki (Prof. Dr. Thi Thi Zin), Okayama University of Science (Assoc. Dr. Tohru Mekata), Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) (Assoc. Dr. Raja Sudhakaran), and PSU (Asst. Dr. Chutima Tantikitti and Asst. Dr. Naraid Suanyuk). We went to the mud crab demonstration farm in Hua Sai, Nakhon Si Thammarat, which is a part of the project supported by the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT). How to grow the farm in a sustainable manner as well as the potential research partnerships are the direction we expected to happen.

            The AINR conference and SSP Alumni reunion was organized on August 18, 2023. Several interesting topics regarding fisheries, aquaculture and natural resources management were presented by aforementioned professors as well as those from the Department of Fisheries (DOF), Thailand, and PSU. Dr. Nion Chirapongsatonkul and Miss Agnesia Frisca Damayanti got the gold award for scientific presentation. Throughout the conference, it was a time to share and discuss academic information among the SSP alumni, new members and other researchers. At the end of this program, the group discussion about the partnership and collaboration was conducted. A plan for the meaningful international conference and forthcoming SSP was arranged. We wish that RUTS will be a part of the future inter-university exchanges (5 universities in 3 countries) through the SSP.

Mon, 09/11/2023 - 15:30